Please enter an Irish Surname to connect:
Hints on using our Irish Surname Database Mc versus Mac - names are entered in our
database ONLY as Mac to avoid duplication - they are the same as far
as Irish and Scottish names are concerned, contrary to popular
belief. So always enter Mac instead of Mc as a prefix. It is
recommended that you enter your full surname - if the search is
successful it will return suggested tartan(s) - you can then view
these tartans by clicking the appropriate icon. If the search returns
no answers and your surname doesn’t include O’, or Mac you might
like to try adding those as a prefix, conversely if your name does
include those prefix’s you might like to try dropping the prefix and
trying another search as these prefix’s were frequently added and
dropped during a family’s history. If you still get no answer then
try typing the first 3 letters of your surname ( excluding the
prefix!) you will then get a wider search which might ‘throw up’
spelling variations. Over time many spelling variations occurred, so
if you are familiar with phonetic you might like to try phonetic
variations ( we will be adding a phonetic search on our next version
). If you still can’t find your name, then please use the email
button to ask us directly, we are still adding to our database and
are always looking to discover new names. Best of
Connecting tartans with Irish surnames is not an exact science, except where there is a family name which corresponds to a known tartan, such as Fitzpatrick or Keirnan.
Although the Scottish traditional of wearing the tartan is more generally recognised, there is a school of thought that the Scots roots are the ‘scoti’ who emigrated from Ireland to Scotland taking the tartan with them. What is now established is that Tartan weaving is far older than had been previously thought, and has been found on Celtic mummies dating back over 3000 years. These tartans clearly ‘travelled’ as the Celts began their migration across Europe, taking not only their distinctive dress but their music as well.
There has been an increasing demand for those of Irish descent to wear tartan, and this site has been set up to assist those people.
Tartan could be seen as the original ‘Identity Tag’ as it displayed the tribe or clan of the person wearing it.
We have created a comprehensive database of recorded Irish surnames with a suggested tartan of choice, the idea being to return a family tartan if one exists, failing that a district tartan representing the origin of the surname, and a County tartan(s) if the name is linked to particular Counties, and of course all Ireland Tartans.
The District Tartans represent the geographic areas associated with historic Provinces ( Ulster and Connacht ), tribal territories ( Oriel ) and regions ( Tara and Clodagh ).
The County Tartan suggestions are based on the geographical or tribal origins of names.
Some of the tartans are ‘restricted wear’ that is they are design copyright, if so we note that - permission would have to be sought to weave that particular Tartan.
5000+ NAMES
Our list contains over 5000 names including spelling variations. Many of these have no direct Clan link. We are adding to our database all the time.
The books listed below augmented by our own research.
The following books have been of invaluable use and are recommended for those wishing to pursue their family origins.
"The Surnames of Ireland", "Irish Families", "More Irish Families" all by Edward MacLysaght published by Irish Academic Press.
"The Book of Irish Families Great & Small" by Michael C O’Laughlin published by Irish Genealogical Foundation.
"Tartan for me" by Phillip Smith published by Heritage Books.
"The Line and Stem of the Irish Nation" dby John O'Hart