7468 - Page Page/ Ainsworth, House of Edgar
2072 - Paget Terence W Paget
313 - Paisley
640 - Paisley Dgn. Allan C. Drennan
6802 - Palatine Union Traepischke Graves
2387 - Park Lumsden, Keith
6485 - Parker Parker
2477 - Parliament Ronnie Hek, Coldstream
439 - Parr West Coast Woollen Mills
7094 - Pasteur Src. Marie-Claude Fortier
2127 - Paton P and J Haggart, Aberfeldy
2325 - Patterson (blue) Warren, Marge
2191 - Patterson (Red) Warren, Marge
9129 - Patterson William John Magee Urquhart/Patterson
1734 - Pearson A.H. Pearson, Cumbria
166 - Penman STS Collection
167 - Penman
1213 - Perry Ancient Dgn. Ross Henderson, Stirling
1304 - Perry Arisaid Dr. Perry, Alberta
1214 - Perry Dress Dgn. Ross Henderson, Stirling
1119 - Perry Hunting (Green) Dr. Perry, Alberta
1212 - Perry Pirrie Dgn. Ross Henderson, Stirling
460 - Perth (Duke of.. ) National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
2060 - Perthshire after Wilson's of Bannockburn
2188 - Perthshire (New) Isle Mill pattern book
1670 - Perthshire or Drummond Wilson's of Bannockburn accounts book.
1055 - Peter of Lee Dgn. H.G. Lindley
3914 - Phillips Phillips/Scott
7104 - Phinn Anthony Thomson, Glasgow
6872 - Pienaar Rob Pienaar
1912 - Pik Mills Nova Scotia Pik Mills
1927 - Pik Mills Nova Scotia Pik Mills
3229 - Pike Dgn. Theo Pike
749 - Platt Provost MacBean Collection.
2778 - Plummer J.A. Plummer
476 - Plymouth Armada Dgn. Edinburgh Woollen Mill
222 - Polaris Alexander MacIntyre, Strone House, Dunoon
867 - Pollock J.C. Thompson & Clan Pollock Society
1987 - Popular Museum of Antiquities
1303 - Porcupine Canadian
1264 - Porteous Dgn. T.S. Davidson
1280 - Portree Check Dr. D.G. Teall
4538 - Potts S. R. Potts, Jordanstown, Co. Antrim
8978 - Pride of Bannockburn Tartan Ribbon
2469 - Pride of Scotland Kenneth Dalgleish
1425 - Prince Albert Wilson's of Bannockburn.
480 - Prince Albert MacKinlay strip in Norwich Col
452 - Prince Charles Edward Plaid- At Blair Castle.
1557 - Prince Charles Edward Silk plaid at Blair Castle
1170 - Prince Charles Plaid Old & Rare
2125 - Prince David Messrs Forsyth's, London
918 - Prince Edward Island Dgn. Mrs Jean Reed
1815 - Prince Edward Island
942 - Prince George Not attributed.
389 - Prince of Orange From Lumsden, Canada
365 - Prince of Orange Pic Mills, Toronto
1169 - Princess Beatrice Dress Hugh Macpherson, Edinburgh
1206 - Princess Beatrice Dress Ross and Johnston, 1930
1444 - Princess Elizabeth Kinloch Anderson
1613 - Princess Elizabeth Inverness museum
986 - Princess Margaret Rose Paton's collection
1468 - Princess Marina Coulson Bonner
735 - Princess Mary /MacKinlay
5447 - Pringle Dgn. Ken Dalgleish, Selkirk