House of Tartan: Sashes Scarves Stoles Squares and Shawls

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Sashes Scarves Stoles Squares and Shawls

Viewing History: Home |  Clans |  MACDONALD |  1404 Flora MacDonald | Sashes Scarves Stoles Squares and Shawls

Tartan Handfasting Ties, Ribbons in ANY Tartan, Bridal Satin Product Ref: 912 Price without tax
Tartan Handfasting Ties, Ribbons in ANY Tartan, Bridal Satin
Can't find your tartan for Hand-Fastings? Your search is over. Set of two beautiful, soft-handle, Bridal Quality Satin Tartan Handfasting Ties in ANY tartan - allso known as Hand-fasting Ribbons or Cords.

Made to order in Scotland especially for handfasting ceremonies at weddings, be they conventional, Humanist or Celtic.

Also known as Hand-fasting Ribbons or Cords. The tartans you choose can represent Bride and Groom's family tartans, or whichever other tartans work for your ceremony.

Order the pair in two SEPARATE LENGTHS (you will get 2 un-joined pieces) OR order the pair JOINED TOGETHER and you will get one long piece.

Available in literally ANY tartan for your special day.

Tell us which tartans or other customisation you require for your handfastings. Note: you may need copyright permission for certain tartans.